Senin, 20 Mei 2013

Indonesian Maid in HK Court after Having Sex

A 45-year old Indonesian maid admitted having sex with her Hong Kong employer’s 14-year old son after watching internet porn together.

The maid is a divorcee and a mother of two children. The maid, named Suwartin, had worked with the boy family for 11 years. 

A court heard how the maid had sex with the boy in relationship that lasted five months. The boy tried to end the affair but she refused. The teenager eventually confessed to the relationship to the leader of Christian group he belonged to.

Then the maid was arrested. She pleaded guilty to five charges of committing an indecent act with underage partner. She will be sentenced in two week’s time.

She later apologized and said that she would live with the shame of what she had done for the rest of life. “She had acted out of loneliness” the maid’s lawyer said.

Indonesian Maid in HK Court after Having Sex
Main Event (Newsworthy Event)
A 45-year old Indonesian maid admitted having sex with her Hong Kong employer’s 14-year old son after watching internet porn together.

Elaboration (Background Event)
The maid is a divorcee and a mother of two children. The maid, named Suwartin, had worked with the boy family for 11 years.
A court heard how the maid had sex with the boy in relationship that lasted five months. The boy tried to end the affair but she refused. The teenager eventually confessed to the relationship to the leader of Christian group he belonged to.
Then the maid was arrested. She pleaded guilty to five charges of committing an indecent act with underage partner. She will be sentenced in two week’s time.

She later apologized and said that she would live with the shame of what she had done for the rest of life. “She had acted out of loneliness” the maid’s lawyer said.


19 komentar:

  1. kunjungan malam nich, gan.. nyambangin postingan agan yang bermanfaat banget ini. hhehe

  2. nice post, gan.. sangat bermanfaat sekali untuk dibaca. blognya juga bagus.

  3. kunjungan pagi, sebelum berangkat ngantor.. nice post, gan. menarik minat untuk dibaca, bagus banget.

  4. semoga dapat ebrmanfaat dan menjadi inspirasi.. terima kasih ya gan infonya semoga makin jaya..

  5. bagus sekali informasi yg agan berikan sangat menarik dan bermanfaat thanks gan, ijin share berbagi info :)

  6. selamat datang bulan desember!! semoga bulan ini membawa berkah dan membukakan pintu kesuksesan serta kebahagiaan untuk kami semua. Amiin,

  7. selamat hari jumat, terimakasih untuk informasi yang bermanfaat ini

  8. jangan ambil sisi buruknya dew, berpositif lah

  9. maaf, sepertinya ada penyalahan ketik di beberapa paragraf anda gan

  10. teruskan memostingkan berita pentingnya gan

  11. terima kasih atas informasinya. Sukses ya..!! Dan Terimakasih banyak telah berbagi informasnya, Semoga Makin Keren selalu untuk info beserta websitenya,,

  12. Dan Terimakasih banyak telah berbagi informasnya, Semoga Makin Keren selalu untuk info beserta websitenya,,

  13. beritanya bagus dan sangat menarik sekali untuk di baca. Ijin share ya gan, thanks..semoga semakin bermanfaat!

  14. terima kasih atas informasinya. Sukses ya..!! Dan Terimakasih banyak telah berbagi informasnya, Semoga Makin Keren selalu untuk info beserta websitenya,,

  15. Ketika anak demam, Mama selalu segera mencari cara agar demam anak turun. bagaimanapun caranya.

  16. Foredi Sangat bermanfaat jika digunakan sebelum melakukan hubungan intim, karena dengan Foredi dapat menjaga kebersihan organ vital suami

  17. Postingan ini sangat bermanfaat, memberikan informasi mengenai hal yang belum diketahui. Semoga postingan ini bisa memberikan motivasi untuk selalu ingin tahu.


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