Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012


Save water and don't flue water!


No, smoking!


Don’t be noisy, No parking, never speak up.





Let`s We stop Global Warming !!
One man One tree (plants) ...

Greeting Card

Wishing you all the blessings of the New
the warmth of home, the love of family & the company of good friends. Happy New Year to you.

Greeting Card



Congratulation on your success in the final examination,
Always do the best for the future.


Greeting Card

Dear Ananda

May I wish you health, happiness and success if your life.
Happy Birthday
April 14 Th, 1997
April 14 Th, 2012


Greeting Card

Happy Birthday
Dear: Rena and Rani
Congratulations, because now you eight years old.
May you always succes and always you is the best.


Short Message

Darling, if you are the second best girl for me, then who is the best?
The answer is no body, because you will always be the best girl for me

Short Message

I’d like to wish you a holy Iedul Fitri and express my sincerest apology. 
I beg your mercy for all of my sins. 
May Us be fitri.

Short Message


Don’t forget to bring the book. It’s on the table. 

Short Message

Dear Mrs. Zaenab, 

I need your help. Please deliver some tart cakes for birthday party. 
I’m waiting the cake before 10 a.m. tomorrow morning. 
Mrs. Zaidah

Short Message

Dear Donie, 

I’ve prepared some food for breakfast. I put it on the refrigerator. Sorry, I have to go to work very early. 

Short Message


Pick me up at 3 p.m. I have an OSIS meeting after school. 


To all the teachers and staff of MTS Maarif NU Sragi.
A one-day meeting will be held this week:

When   : Saturday June 16 th 2012 at 10.00 am
Topic   : National Examination Preparation

Due to the importance of the meeting, please be punctual! Bring your ideas; bring your suggestions to make our students successful in this examination. The head of the national examination committee,

Where  : Teacher Office

Mr. Ahmad Nurdin


For grade 9 is expected to depart tomorrow Wednesday, 9 June 2012 to take SKHU meantime.
Expected to leave all.



Subject Line: Jane Doe, Director of Marketing
We are thrilled to announce the promotion of Jane Doe to Director of Marketing in the Corporate Communications department. Jane joined the company five years ago and has held positions in both the Advertising and Sales departments.
Jane brings a wealth of experience to her new role and we are excited about her new role at the company.
Please join us in welcoming Jane to Corporate Communications and congratulating her on the promotion.
Best Regards, 


Notified to all junior high students MTS Maarif NU Sragi 13, Jakarta. In order batik day worldwide, will be carried out activities to make batik. Will be held on:

Day / date   : Monday, June 3, 2012 
Time           : 10:00 p.m 
Place           : a versatile field school. 
We hope all students can attend this event. such an announcement from us.


Ahmad Nurdin,S.Pd

Rabu, 06 Juni 2012

Kakatua Kecil Jambul Kuning

 Hewan Langka di Indonesia


Kakatua Kecil Jambul Kuning nyaris punah. Burung berjambul kuning ini menjadi salah satu 18 spesies burung yang berstatus Critically Endangered (Kritis) atau satu tingkat di bawah status Punah. Kakatua Kecil Jambul Kuning merupakan satu dari enam spesies kakatua yang terdapat di Indonesia. Burung berparuh bengkok ini mempunyai ciri khas bulu putih yang menutupi hampir seluruh tubuhnya dan jambul yang berwarna kuning. Kakatua Kecil Jambul Kuning nyaris punah akibat perdagangan ilegal.

Kakatua Kecil Jambul Kuning dalam bahasa latin disebut Cacatua sulphurea (Gmelin, 1788). Sedang dalam bahasa Inggris burung yang nyaris punah ini disebut Yellow-crested Cockatoo atau Lesser Sulphur-crested Cockatoo. Ciri-ciri Fisik dan Perilaku. Salah satu spesies kakatua ini mempunyai ukuran sedang dengan panjang sekitar 35 cm. Semua bulunya berwarna putih semua. Di kepalanya terdapat jambul berwarna kuning yang dapat ditegakkan. Kakatua-kecil jambul-kuning memiliki paruhberwarna hitam serta kulit di sekitar matanya berwarna kebiruan dan kakinya berwarna abu-abu. Bulu-bulu terbang dan ekor burung langka ini berwarna kuning. Burung berparuh bengkok ini mendiami daerah hutan, pingiran hutan, semak hingga daerah pertanian dengan ketinggian mencapai 800 meter dpl. Jenis kakatua ini membuat sarang pada batang-batang pohon tertentu. Makanan burung ini adalah biji-bijian, kacang, dan aneka buah-buahan.

Town Contaminated

Events Moscow – A Russian journalist has uncovered evidence of another Soviet nuclear catastrophe, which killed 10 sailors and contamin...